The New Battlefield

Move over Marines and take a seat Army Rangers. The nerd will be dominating the battlefield of the 21st Century. As the Information Era begins to unfold we have seen an new type of warfare rear its ugly head: cyber warfare. While this form of warfare may cost less in human capital, it has no […]

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Social Media: Business Minefield

At the advent of social media, companies believed success on this new platform would translate into success in their sales and bottom line. Big business and start-ups desperate for attention raced to build a brand that could go viral much like the Old Spice Man. However what countless businesses missed was the potential minefield social […]

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Geek Up

Has anyone ever wondered what an Imperial recruitment website would look like in the Star Wars universe? I have never really thought about them using a website in the past, but I was able to give my idea a little life over the weekend when I built a recruitment site for the Galactic Empire over […]

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A New Hope: Amazon Kindle

Disclaimer: Bias against Apple may be prevalent Whenever a product is able to complete with Apple I am filled with immeasurable joy. No, I have nothing against Apple personally or their borderline criminal and sociopathic founder Steve Jobs. I just despise all the Apple fanboys (and fangirls) that will throw money at whatever Apple tosses […]

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Facebook: Market Disruptor

It has been said that love is a battlefield. But no metaphorical battlefield is more intense and evolving than social media. Still perhaps a better example of social media is a jungle. And when I say jungle I mean a jungle from the late Cretaceous period where only the strongest and most adaptive dinosaurs survives. […]

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