Geek Up


Has anyone ever wondered what an Imperial recruitment website would look like in the Star Wars universe? I have never really thought about them using a website in the past, but I was able to give my idea a little life over the weekend when I built a recruitment site for the Galactic Empire over the weekend. Courtesy of Code Academy. There were a number of things I learned over the weekend working with Code Academy. One of which being that building a website is fun and as long as you have some patience it isn’t that difficult.


Pictured above is an example of the HTML view that gives the website its form. While not the best example of the html view, if you look closely at the image you can see words like “header” and “body”. This helps break the website into separate parts. As seen below, “Where to serve?” is an example of a header function while the pictures are part of the image function.


However website building requires two tasks. The construction of the HTML and the Main.CSS. While the HTML side may provide the structure to your website the Main.CSS provides some flavor to it. Here you can edit font sizes, change color and styles among other things.


Now that we have had the boring talk about how building a website works, lets get to the fun stuff. I’m one of those people that loves to build stuff on the computer whether it be making my own additions to modded games or now attempting to understand how to create a website. Thankfully, building a website is a skill anyone can acquire. While I am sure building a website unassisted is difficult, Code Academy has come up with an excellent program that slowly guides the user through the basics of website building. For example, when learning new material you are not immediately thrown into the deep end of the metaphorical pool. First you are introduced to what you will be later typing in to the html and main.css as the lesson progresses. This allows you to become familiar with the material before it needs to applied. Then when you arrive at the code input phase, Code Academy offers hints and a basic guideline for what you are trying to accomplish. Sure, it was frustrating at times but I felt it was just the right amount of hands on experience, without too much help, that allowed me to understand the process more. Though I have only gone through the website building section of Code Academy, I would suggest it to anyone who is interested in the subject.

In summary building a website is a fun and engaging challenge. Whether you’re just messing around or building a recruitment center for the Galactic Empire, with practice and patience, anyone can build a professional looking website that will have all their friends (or the Rebels) jealous.

Link to my Code Academy Profile View

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